Bulawayo Community Gardens Yield Results

The Trust trained members of Glenkara Garden, who in turn invited the leadership of Tusanang Garden to attend and benefit from the workshop.

The leaders of Tusanang Garden went back and shared the knowledge and skills they had acquired, with the rest of the gardeners.

They have since drafted a new constitution using a template which was provided during the training session.

This forms the foundation of the activities carried out by the community members and lays down the rules that govern work and behaviour.

Experience has also shown the significant reduction in conflict.

“The training has been very helpful to us. It has greatly enhanced our leadership skills and thus the garden is performing way better and the members are more motivated.”

“We also came up with a constitution based on the guidelines we got from the workshop. Every member was actively involved in the process and as a result everyone is very happy about the constitution,” said Frank Dube, the garden chairperson.

This is a manifestation of ZDDT’s objective of supporting and strengthening institutions and democratic structures built at community level and delivering the democratic dividend at grass roots – democratic practice benefitting residents.