Councillors have expressed unhappiness over both fire services and the state of roads in the city, calling for responsible Council staff to ensure improvement in those areas.
Ward 4 Councillor, Silas Chigora, has said cleanliness should start at home before residents could perpetuate the same when they get into the city centre.
The Bulawayo City Council has apologised to its residents for the inconvenience caused by the current water shedding being implemented by the local authority following a serious pipe burst that interrupted flow between two of the city’s supply dams.
Read more: Bulawayo City Council Apologises for Water Shedding
Prestigious Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) Competitions began on a high note at Bulawayo Theatre last Friday with a total of 10 drama groups, from across the city, participating.
TOTAL Lubricants distributor, Chematek, partnered with the Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) and donated $100 to two needy families in Mpopoma.
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