ZDDT's Content Production Boosted by Geraldine Roche Donation

  • Written by: Lungelo Ndhlovu

Geraldine Roche recently bought a 12-terabyte external hard drive for the Zimbabwe Development and Democracy Trust’s (ZDDT) content production department.

Mazwendoda Ndlovu, (pictured above) who works in ZDDT’s video production department expressed excitement over the new developments.

“This has assisted us a lot as we shoot films or footage three to four times a week. So, we have been accumulating the footage without expanding our capacity. So, now that we have bought the 12 terabytes it has given me the freedom to even shoot more footage and edit more content,” he said.

He said, initially he relied on 2 terabytes of external hard drives, and they were in the red zone with 100 gigabytes left.

“I was running out of space, and this was causing the crashing of other hard drives because if your hard drive is at the red zone, it means you are in danger of it crashing means losing the whole content that you would have shot from long ago and you wouldn’t want to lose such content,” Mazwi explained.

Ndlovu added, "As a video editor, you would want the security of having more space and when you are shooting you will need more shots for creativity, but if you don’t have space this will minimise your creativity because you don’t have space to store footage.

“I wasn’t expecting that, but they surprised me and told me they will buy more. This is encouraging me to work even harder to create video content, GRD is well known for portraying the message to the community via video creation and content creation,” he said.