Bulawayo residents appreciative of community-based interventions

Jasmine Toffa, third from left, poses with volunteer workers and Ricky Forster during a ZDDT training exercise.
LJ As one who plays a prominent role in civic matters, locally and nationally, it would be obvious to assume that you have participated and continue to do so in a number of social responsibility activities. You have also undoubtedly taken part in several ZDDT initiatives geared at improving living standards in local communities. Would you say that these provide a complementary contribution to overall efforts being made by civic entities, in a move aimed at improving living standards among ordinary people?
J T Indeed, I would think that your assumption in that regard is fairly accurate. However, without wishing to sound flattering, it is apparent that there is an advantageous element in the approach by which ZDDT conducts its community conscious activities.
LJ Would you like to elaborate on that?
JT Certainly. The Trust is at pains to ensure that it conducts this voluntary work, with the cooperation of grass-roots leadership structures comprising of the local Councillor and his helpers known as the Community Action Team (C.A.T). This proves to be beneficial since such leadership provides an effective doorway into any neighbourhood, while voluntary work fosters a sense of commitment to building a better community.
LJ What other interesting aspects have you seen in your experiences with ZDDT?
JT I would say it has been the way in which ZDDT’s training and other interventions are geared towards inculcating awareness in self-reliance among communities. This is in addition to residents taking responsibility for their circumstances and the restoration of public infrastructure in their areas.
LJ Of late, you have actively participated in the Trust’s Local Authority Capacity Building Programme (LACBP). The initiative was aimed at the provision of improved delivery of services by the Municipality through enhanced resource management and better revenue collection. To what extent and in which capacities were you involved?
JT As Chairperson of Ward 4 C.A.T, I have worked very closely in this programme with ZDDT, City Officials and the local Councillor. My involvement has been extensive, meaning that I took part in almost all the activity in my area.
LJ In your opinion, would you say that the Programme has achieved its objective? Are you convinced that rate payers will have noticed the renewed commitment by the Local Authority towards providing superior services? Do you think that this will perhaps encourage them to remit their dues to the Municipality?
JT I am without doubt that this is the case. It most certainly is so with me. I hold these efforts in high appreciation and am ready to honour my financial obligations to the City of Bulawayo. This also goes for the number of residents in my Ward, with whom I have broached the subject.