Bulawayo business helps out university student with donation

BULAWAYO – During a moving ceremony, held at ZDDT’s office, in central Bulawayo, Ms. Langelihle Sibanda, 21 years of age, received a cash donation courtesy of the Trust’s Business Social Credit Scheme (BSCS) initiative. The gift was presented by Mr. Hugh Montgomery (Monty), the MD at local company, CompuPro. He is also a prominent member of the Association of Business in Zimbabwe (ABUZ).
Ms Sibanda, a student at The National University of Science and Technology (NUST), had difficulty raising tuition fees. Coming from a single parent and disadvantaged background, (her mother, a civil servant, earns US$ 150.00 a month), Langelihle faced the prospect of being dropped from her programme of learning.
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Also present at the hand over were; Sen. Matson Hlalo (Makokoba Constituency), the Councillor for Ward 26, Mr. Norman Hlabani and ZDDT Field Correspondent, Lewis Jones.
Speaking after the presentation, Ms. Sibanda expressed surprise that the local business community, in spite of hardships they face, were still prepared to consider assisting the less privileged in society. With tears of appreciation in her eyes, she thanked all those concerned with the event’s organisation.
Asked about his opinion of the BSCS initiative, Sen. Hlalo said, “This is an excellent scheme which takes the pressure off political and community leaders and frees them to get on with other tasks” He had been responsible for alerting the relevant Councillor and the Trust to Ms. Sibanda’s plight. Echoing the Senator’s sentiments, Cllr. Hlabani went on to express deep gratitude for what he referred to as “this most generous gesture.”
Approached to comment on why members of ABUZ were prepared to support the BSCS, Monty remarked, “What organization other than ZDDT would any well meaning business person want to donate money to. In my opinion, they (the Trust) are totally transparent and absolutely positive in the manner by which they interact with local communities.”
The BSCS, a ZDDT initiative, seeks to encourage local Councillors to identify the needy in their communities and then recommend these as beneficiaries of the fund. Local businesses, through ABUZ, support the programme.
If you would like to support this worthy scheme, please contact the PR desk at ZDDT
Telephone: (09) 68910
Website: www.zddt.org