ZDDT goes to Gwanda town

The visits objective was meant to provide the team with an opportunity to listen to concerns of this mining town’s officials and assess possibilities of cooperating with them in order to find relevant solutions.
Gwanda, (pop. 50,000) is the provincial capital of arid Matebeleland South, better known for its substantial gold mining and cattle ranching activities.
The meeting, chaired by Lewis Jones, started with Simon Spooner providing welcoming remarks and introductions. Utilising a power point presentation as an aid, he then went on to give attendees an insight into the Trust’s background. He touched upon the various community based restoration initiatives developed and implemented by ZDDT.
Mr. Spooner also alluded to the Trust’s role as a linkage vehicle between local authorities, their communities and interested development partners.
Over lunch at the meeting’s end, participants expressed gratitude to the team for affording them the chance to hold frank discussion about various issues of concern and indicated their satisfaction at the success of the exercise.