Tackling Drug Use Through Culture

  • Written by: Tafadzwa Mazviba

The day was filled with excitement as the students of Geraldine Roche Arts Academy showcased their artistic talents to an audience of approximately 1200 students.

The artists used acting, dance and music to convey the importance of preserving traditional African culture and addressing the growing drug use pandemic among the youth and teenagers.

One student in the audience expressed her appreciation for the show, stating, “The performance was amazing! I learned so much about our culture and how it can help us deal with issues like drug use. It was fun and relatable.”

The headmistress of Sizane High School also commended the artists for delivering educational content in an engaging way. “We are grateful for this opportunity to learn through art. The students did an excellent job of conveying important messages in a fun and engaging way.” She emphasized the importance of using art as a tool to address social issues and inspire positive change among young people.