Empowering Communities Through Bucket Gardens

  • Written by: Tafadzwa Mazviba

Mrs. Sibanda, a previous beneficiary of the High Impact bucket gardening initiative, has flourished with her bucket gardens and has showcased remarkable success in her horticultural endeavours.

Recently, she graciously took the time to share her experiences and insights with the new intake of students of ZDDTs Horticultural School, imparting valuable knowledge on how to engage in bucket gardening effectively.

Through her dedication and application of the techniques learned from the program, Mrs. Sibanda has achieved a consistent supply of fresh vegetables for consumption. Additionally, she has been able to generate an average income of about $20 from the surplus produce she sells periodically.

This not only highlights her proficiency in bucket gardening but also underscores the financial benefits of such initiatives.

The High Impact bucket gardening project has proven to be a resounding success among the outreach parents of KGVI children. Its high intensity, coupled with minimal labour and cost requirements, has made it an attractive and sustainable option for individuals looking to cultivate their own produce efficiently.

Mrs. Sibanda’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact that initiatives like High Impact bucket gardening can have on individuals and communities, empowering them to achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence through innovative agricultural practices.

Recently, she graciously took the time to share her experiences and insights with the new intake of students of ZDDTs Horticultural School, imparting valuable knowledge on how to engage in bucket gardening effectively.

Through her dedication and application of the techniques learned from the program, Mrs. Sibanda has achieved a consistent supply of fresh vegetables for consumption. Additionally, she has been able to generate an average income of about $20 from the surplus produce she sells periodically.

This not only highlights her proficiency in bucket gardening but also underscores the financial benefits of such initiatives.

The High Impact bucket gardening project has proven to be a resounding success among the outreach parents of KGVI children. Its high intensity, coupled with minimal labour and cost requirements, has made it an attractive and sustainable option for individuals looking to cultivate their own produce efficiently.

Mrs. Sibanda’s journey exemplifies the transformative impact that initiatives like High Impact bucket gardening can have on individuals and communities, empowering them to achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence through innovative agricultural practices.