Bulawayo Ward Three Chairman Loves His Trees

Field Correspondent Lewis Jones, (LJ) one icy wintry morning, left the warmth of his office in order to have a chat with Mr. Mlauzi, (PM) while standing on a bleak wind-swept open space where the saplings were planted. Under the circumstances, the brevity of the interview concerned could well be understood!
LJ You stand out uniquely in the sense that every tree planted at this site is known to you by name and position. How did you achieve this?
PM Well it might partly have to do with the fact that I trained in technical drawing, where I learnt to draw precise maps such as this (pointing to the map of his trees). However I’d prefer to mention that the main reason for this feat is my love for growing things and getting to know them on a personal basis, so to speak. (Laughs, though it appears more like a grimace).
LJ Are the trees in question being maintained as required and if so, how are you doing this?
PM Yes. We have cleared fire guards around each plant, propped those that needed to be and the City Council occasionally brings a bowser of water for our trees. However, I make it my business to regularly inspect each one of these and sometimes will be joined by interested residents or members of our C.A.T. It is encouraging to know that so far, we have lost only three of the 100 planted. To me such a loss is similar to losing a family member. (Stares poker-faced).
LJ Where does ZDDT come into all this?
PM Training we received to embark on and sustain this project came from ZDDT and is part of the greening campaign they have conducted here and in the other City Wards.
LJ Would you say that this training has benefited those from the Wards who participated?
PM Definitely. The interesting thing about this training was the motivational aspect built into it that emphasised the need for the community to take charge or ownership over such projects. I feel that this is the main reason why residents are taking an interest in this particular one. They were able to be part of it from the training stages and along its path of development.
LJ How do you intend to sustain this project?
PM Quite simply by observing the correct aftercare procedures as taught during training. But above all; the plants need loving care. Now can we get out of these arctic conditions? (Turning up the collar of wind-cheater).
LJ Actually, I was getting to quite like it out here. (C.A.T. Chairman closely followed by Field Correspondent making a wild dash to waiting vehicle).