ZDDT, City of Bulawayo demonstrations aim to encourage rate-payers to remit their dues

Mr. Zisanhi was responding to a litter clearing and grass-cutting demonstration held recently in the City by the Municipality. He said the clean-up exercise conducted by the “Orange Team” at Bradfield suburb had impressed him. The need to know more prompted his visit to ZDDT’s office where he displayed a flier handed to him at the demo site.

(To see an example of the teams at work please visit here).

Mr. Zisanhi agreed that, this indication by the Local Authority of its renewed determination to provide decent services, would assist in encouraging rate-payers to remit their dues. He urged consistency in order for the project to remain relevant.

The demonstrations are part of the Trust’s Local Authority Capacity Building Programme, intended to encourage the City Council to optimise delivery of services.

GIZ fund the Programme, with assistance from the German Government.