Bulawayo Ward 28 Inducts New C.A.T Members

These are groups of voluntary community members that are sought from various sectors that are in any given constituency.

The concept has assisted the Trust, the communities and the LA in enhancing Community Restoration.

In acknowledging the importance of the C.A.T notion, Ward 28 recently inducted new members to the group, in order to improve its effectiveness in conducting Community Restoration exercises in their neighbourhood.

On the sidelines of the C.A.T Induction Workshop, ZDDT News Correspondent, Ntando Sibanda (NS) caught up with one of the new members, Eugene Nkobi (EN) and conducted a brief interview to get his view about the Trust and its interventions in his Ward.

Below can be found components of the interview that ensued:

NS: You are one of the new members, how did you find the workshop?

EN: I found it rather informative. There are lots of things I didn’t know that I learnt here today

NS: What do you think about the interventions being brought by ZDDT to the communities?

EN: I think that they are great. I really appreciate the interventions because they are necessary.

NS: Do you think the Trust’s Interventions have an impact on the communities in which it operates?

EN: I believe so because it is the only organisation I have seen, which really maintains a project in an area for a long time.

NS: What to do you think ZDDT can do to both help the communities achieve their goals and to achieve its own goals?

: Looking at their aims and objectives, I think that if those could be properly implemented. I think there will be improvement. There maybe hindrances here and there like financial support but if they keep following through with their objectives, they will break through.

NS: What do you think about ZDDT implementing the concept of voluntary work in its interventions? Do you think people understand what is meant by voluntary work?

: To a certain extent they do understand, but I think the biggest enermy for voluntarism is the lack of income, whereby a person doesn’t have a reliable source of income and they look to whatever project to give them money.

ZDDT promotes the concept of voluntary work under its “Sebenzela” banner, which encourages the communities to spearhead community restoration projects, as a way of showing the world that hope of rejuvenating their Wards and country is not lost.