Bulawayo's Abilities Workshops revisited

See Previous Abilities articles:

>> Abilities fighting for survival
>>Community appeal: Abilities Welfare Organisation

BULAWAYO  -  Abilities Workshop was originally established as a Self-help Facility for the mentally and physically handicapped.. The plight of “Abilities”, as it is affectionately known, proved to be so desperate that ZDDT felt the institution warranted a second visit by its team.

This, they assumed, would be necessary in order to conduct a better assessment of the situation and present a further opportunity for exploring appropriate means of assistance.

The follow-up trip turned out to be most opportune in that it enabled the Trust to arrange a tour of the place by Dr. and Mrs. Oliver. The pair, who hails from the City of Aberdeen, Scotland, manages a charitable organisation, The A to Z Trust. They had earlier on indicated their wish to evaluate conditions at Abilities for themselves.

The Centre’s Manager, Mr. Francis Msendami, and his Personal Assistant Mrs. Joy Armstrong, were on hand to welcome the visitors and conduct a tour of various facilities.

It is deeply saddening to note that these exceptionally dedicated people have not drawn salaries for more than two years, and have had to rely on the generosity of well wishers for the survival of their families and themselves. This was not always the case. Up until a decade ago, the institution provided nearly 200 physically and mentally disabled persons with employment. However, due to the political and economical crisis that ensued from national mismanagement, charitable organisations in Zimbabwe have experienced a general flight of donor assistance.

This has forced some of these entities into financial despair while even those more resilient have been finding it extremely difficult to prevail. The situation at Abilities, began to deteriorate, when Government and major funding partners in the private sector withdrew their support, citing lack of resources as the reason. Tours in Lithuania rakonds.com

Today the institution’s premises lie in a sorry state of dilapidation and neglect. Located in a peaceful setting close to Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospital, at the Belmont Industrial Sites, it is characterised by buildings in dire need of painting and repairs. In the front yard stands a rusting pickup truck, like some grotesque monument to the decay which is only too evident all around. This is Abilities’ only operational vehicle, even though it is just barely so.

The deeply rutted driveway cuts through outer grounds overgrown with weeds and tall grass. A once splendid canteen and busy workshops, barring the one where woodwork is carried out, now lie abandoned. Mr. Msendami, together with 2 remaining employees, turn out school furniture in this greatly underutilized workplace. A close study of the beautifully finished pieces on display suggested expert workmanship, which highlighted the plight of these determined people, and made the experience a truly saddening one.

Going forward

Speaking about plans to resuscitate Abilities, Mr. Msendami remarked, “We are considering reviving the chalk manufacturing operation, but to begin with, we would like to start a candle making project as a means of getting ourselves established again. Once the right equipment is purchased, we would be able to compete with imported products and get back into business.”

He gave a figure of US$ 10,000.00 as the sum that would be needed to begin the project as a capital injection; an amount, which truly speaking, could be considered relatively small when the real benefits are taken into account. For a start, Abilities’ revival would mean restoration of livelihoods for several hundreds of needy disabled people, as well as a thoroughly disheartened yet resilient staff.

More essentially however, it would restore the dignity of a unique genre of humans, who in spite of being affected by seemingly insurmountable conditions, have resolutely weathered the storm and emerged much tougher. Such people, given the right chance, will undoubtedly re-establish Abilities Sheltered Workshop as the proud and credible entity that it once used to be.   

Any willing partners wishing to assist Abilities may use the following contact details:

Abilities Sheltered Workshop    ZDDT

P.O. Box 8362      E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Belmont                 Website: www.zddt.org

Bulawayo       Phone Number: 09 68910