Bulawayo Councillors in excellence awards

BULAWAYO - During a double-header award presentation ceremony, held at the ZDDT offices in central Bulawayo on 9 March, 2010, two City Councillors were recognised for their excellent achievements in community work,
Cllr. Edward Ndlovu, of Ward 25 and Ward 26 Councillor, Norman Hlabani both received the Best Project Award for separate months. Particular recognition was given to the sustainability content of the Ward 26 project, which is comprised of an on-going storm-drain excavation exercise.
Meanwhile, an exceptional feature of the Ward 25 assignment was the terrific response it received from residents. 187 people participated.
An outstanding aspect, which arose during interviews with the 2 leaders concerned, is that they both emphasized the key aspect of local ownership in achieving people motivation and sustainable action.
Residents now believe that they own their projects and public amenities that they restore and this is what has influenced them positively when they embarked on their respective exercises.
Cllr. Ndlovu said, “I felt that it was important to persuade residents to take pride in their environment whilst seeking ownership over amenities; hence that project.”
Expressing similar sentiments during a separate interview, Cllr. Hlabani remarked, “It’s difficult to convince people to participate in projects, unless they are made to feel that they have ownership over their areas and the work they will be doing.”
This clearly points to the impact that ZDDT initiatives have had with Councillors and among the communities they lead. Indeed, an essential feature in the Trusts efforts, is the restoration of dignity of residents, through giving them a sense of ownership of their work and facilities, as entailed in the SEBENZELA/WORK FOR… programme.
The Best Project Award is a ZDDT initiative, in which each month the winning project is chosen from the various Councillors who participate. An award ceremony follows, when the successful Councillor is presented with a wooden shield on which an inscribed brass plaque is affixed.
Such shields are issued to each CAT to encourage them to achieve.
This particular award programme is funded by ECEZ and administered by ZDDT.