Bulawayo's Deputy Mayor leads tree planting exercise

The event got off to a serious start with Cllr. Mpofu ceremoniously planting the first sapling. Thereafter, the recreational ground literally crawled with council employees clad in blue overalls, and assisted by local voluntary workers, they bustled about in various stages of tree planting, after-care and watering activities. The most trying task in the exercise took place the previous day and consisted of clearing away piles of rubble and litter that had over the years accumulated in the park.
Asked during the lunch break to comment on the day’s activities, Deputy Mayor Mpofu said; “As you are aware, this area had become an eyesore and a dangerous place for the community. The work we are carrying out here is the beginning of a process, the outcome of which, will become our gift to future generations to cherish and be proud of.”
Conditions at the neighbourhood park, over the past decade deteriorated into an appalling state of disrepair, due to adverse economic factors faced by the local authority, and in recent years it had been turned into a refuse dumping ground by the local community.
This situation, quite obviously posed a potentially serious health threat to people living in the vicinity. The commendable action taken by Cllr. Mpofu and his team therefore, could not have come at a more opportune time.