Bulawayo Ward One residents plant trees in Hume Park

Above: Cllr E Manning (wielding shovel) is assisted with planting a tree by City Parks Workers and Ward One Residents.
The trees, that have been provided by Huntsman Indigenous Nurseries in the Turk Mine area, sixty kilometres north of the city, are a variety of native species specifically known for their drought resistant properties.
Residents were assisted with the task of planting the saplings by workers from the City Parks Department who, with their experience, guided the less skilled members of the public in conducting the required work.
Speaking on his view of the importance of the exercise, Parks Official, Mr. Emmanuel Rambanepasi, remarked; “Trees are life and even though people cannot eat trees, the long term benefits of having decent recreational areas, will surely be appreciated by the local community.”
The tree-planting campaign is part of a ZDDT scheme, Enhancement of Service Delivery for Local Authorities, being conducted in the cities of Bulawayo and Gweru as a pilot project. The initiative is supported by GIZ in cooperation with the German Government.