ZDDT PDO's in training and development session
Proceedings opened with the customary devotions, after which Simon Spooner, the Trust’s National Development Officer, welcomed guests and conducted introductions. Mr. Spooner then went on to give a background discourse on the Trust’s Vision and Mission, dwelling upon the democratic aspects of team building, leadership enhancement, self-reliance and ownership, which are central in the work of ZDDT.
As is the usual case, Candace Cope, the Administrator, got the lion’s share of time allotment. She conducted a review session which dealt with specific accounting systems and procedures that the Trust utilises.
Bruce Mtengwa, ZDDT’s Provincial Development Officer, (PDO), spoke on the field work that PDOs are expected to carry out on a day to day basis, emphasising one of the Trust’s principal tenets, which calls for equitable relations with local councillors and the community at all times.
ZDDT’s Regional coordinator and Field Correspondent, Lewis Jones, had the task of guiding participants along the route of producing well structured and articulated news reports. He rounded off his session with a demonstration on the optimum means of taking good photographs.
Training was wrapped up with a well deserved lunch on the patio overlooking the lovely garden at ZDDT’s office.

Bernard Muvonde, Denny Munetsi, Michael Phiri, Costain Mpala, Wynand Hart, Angela Mason
Lewis Jones, Bruce Mtengwa, Candace Cope (Not in picture ) Simon Spooner