Relief for Ward 13 BSCS Beneficiaries

  • Written by: Gary Howes

Councillor Mwinde ward 13 Bulawayo, was the latest recipient of the Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust’s (ZDDT) Business Social Credit Scheme, an initiative supported by funds from the Sally Foundation and Chematek Lubricants.

This programme aims to empower vulnerable individuals in various wards across Zimbabwe, enabling them to improve their living conditions and regain their dignity.

As part of the selection process, Councillor Mwinde was tasked with identifying two vulnerable individuals in his ward who would most benefit from this intervention. After careful consideration and collaboration with a social worker from the Social Welfare Department, the Councillor chose Mrs. Ndlovu and Mr. Marariromba as the recipients of this month’s grants. Both individuals are elderly and have been facing significant challenges in making ends meet.

Each of the beneficiaries received USD $50, which they both expressed gratitude for as it would significantly help improve their lives. In their own words:

Mrs. Ndlovu: “I am so grateful for this assistance from ZDDT. With this money, I will be able to purchase basic food stuffs and some medication that I have been unable to afford due to my
financial struggles.”

Mr. Marariromba: “I can’t express how thankful I am for this opportunity. This grant will allow me to buy essential items like maize meal, cooking oil, and sugar, ensuring that I have enough food to last me for a while.”

Councillor Mwindes expressed his gratitude towards the ZDDT, Sally Foundation, and Chematek lubricants for their generosity saying, “on behalf of my ward and the two beneficiaries, I would like
to extend my heartfelt thanks to ZDDT, Sally Foundation, and Chematek lubricants for this wonderful initiative. Your support has made a significant difference in these individuals’ lives, enabling them to regain their dignity and improve their living conditions.”

These sentiments highlight the importance of community leaders working closely with relevant organisations to identify those most in need and ensure that resources are distributed effectively to
bring about meaningful change in people’s lives.