Sizinda women

Graduates of the value-addition cooking programme, from Ward 21 at Sizinda Community Garden, have hit the ground running as they began training other community members just a day after they completed their own course at Entembeni Old People’s Home.

Read more: Sizinda Value-Addition Cooking Graduates Hit the Ground Running

Ward 27 Community Action Team member, Otilia Mnkandla, of Pumula South, said she can now better take care of her family, adding she has become a responsible mother, courtesy of the ZDDT/Sally Foundation value-addition cooking programme from which she said she learnt a lot of things.

Read more: I Have Learnt So Many Things - Otilia Mnkandla

Sally Masuku

Sally Masuku, a Community Action Team member from Bulawayo’s Ward 19, who participated in five-week ZDDT/Sally Foundation value addition cooking programme, which ended at Entembeni Old People’s Home on February 7 2017, said her family diet has been completely revolutionised.

Read more: The Menu for My Family Has Completely Changed – Sally Masuku

Judith Dube

The ZDDT/Sally Foundation value-addition cooking programme has left a lasting impression on the participants who said they have learnt a lot.

Read more: I Did Not Know I could Save Some Food Stuffs without A Fridge - Judith Dube

Georgina Mafu

ZDDT’s news correspondent Mandla Tshuma (MT), recently caught with Georginah Mafu (GM), Community Action Team (CAT) member in Ward 22, immediately after a zone meeting in Nkulumane and had a brief conversation with her. Below are some excerpts from their dialogue.

Read more: One on One with Ward 22 CAT Member