Ward one Friday

While life is not rosy, to put it mildly, Bulawayo’s old townships, Iminyela, Luveve, Mpopoma, Pumula and Mzilikazi are churning out talent in a variety of art disciplines and the rise of Amazing Stars, Black Umfolosi, and the late Beater Mangethe, to mention but a few, is testament to this fact.

Read more: Talent in Old Townships

Gemwitts Chikomba

One of Bulawayo’s ZDDT self-help community gardens is set to receive a special gift of a security light (Pro-Solar Light and charger) from Gemwitts, a solar energy company based in the City of Kings.

Read more: Gemwitts’ Community Gift


Bulawayo - The recently held Mabutweni residents meeting, attracting people from Ward 13 and beyond, roared to life when the group of the moment, Amazing Stars, began staging a show that set an excellent awareness campaign alight.

Read more: Mabutweni Residents Roar

Councillor 4

Bulawayo: The tug of war has erupted again this year, this time between four Councillors who are vying for the prestigious ZDDT Councillor of the Year Trophy, an honour awarded to the best performing community leader.

Read more: Councillors In Tug Of War

Street cleaning Bulawayo

Bulawayo - ZDDT’s Sebenzela-Shandira slogan motivated former Ward 1 Councillor Edward Manning, to establish a new organisation, Street Wise Informal Traders Association (SWITA), continuing with what he had learnt from the ZDDT good practices of cleanliness and voluntarism.

Read more: Another Goal!