BULAWAYO – While many other Nkulumane residents are able to get by in these difficult times, 54 year old Viola Lunga has been trapped in abject poverty.
Bulawayo – In yet another success of ZDDT Zone Meetings, Community Action Team committees and their membership are now working on teaming up in an effort to share ideas on how to overcome problems faced in their different wards.
‘When the litter talk gets tough, the smart movement gets going.’ This is what community leader, Gideon Mangena (GM) said in commenting on his anti dumping (of litter) campaign in his ward.
Bulawayo – October is the hottest time of year in Zimbabwe, and for the ZDDT community volunteer groups, which are busy restoring neighbourhoods, it is particularly strenuous and thirsty work.
Bulawayo – A recent poultry production training workshop, which was organised by ZDDT, has equipped farmers with skills to produce quality broilers for the surrounding market.
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