ZONE 6 CAT members

A birth certificate is an essential document that one should not struggle to obtain as it lays the foundation to the validity of the status of the individual, particularly for children as they grow up in the modern world.

Read more: Children Without Birth Certificates; A Cause For concern

Cllr Masuku

While most residential areas of Bulawayo are now relatively clean with the local authority removing refuse on a weekly basis, the same cannot be said of the Central Business District (CBD) which receives a daily influx of residents from all corners of the city and even beyond.

Read more: Residents Have a Responsibility to Keep the CBD Clean

Cllr Masuku

Gone are the days when leaders would just lead people as they please, as communities, which are increasingly enlightened with the coming and passing of each day, now demand that their elected representatives come back to report to the people during their leadership tenure.

Read more: Report-back Meetings; a Key Element of Responsible Leadership

images rafamoyo

Councillor Earnest Rafamoyo, Ward 20, said ZDDT zone meetings are empowering him as a community leader.

Read more: ZDDT Zone Meetings Empowering – Cllr Rafamoyo

While for most Zimbabweans, especially those in positions of authority, the term “democracy” has political connotations, this not so with Councillor Rodney Jele of Bulawayo’s, Ward 22.

Read more: Democracy Is About People – Cllr Jele