Bulawayo Mayor Moyo

Bulawayo – In yet another significant breakthrough for ZDDT, Bulawayo’s Mayor, Councillor Martin Moyo, last Friday spoke of the need for a partnership between the City’s Public Relations department and Sebenzela-Shandira Zimbabwe’s media team.

Read more: Sebenzela-Shandira’s Impact

Crushtech 1

A recent internal workshop, which was organised by ZDDT, has equipped urban farmers from four wards with plumbing skills to obviate the costly need to call on plumbers.

Read more: Workshop Imparts Skills

Cleaning up Bulawayo

 The recent voluntary cleanup exercise, which was carried out in the city centre and attended by several civic organisations and helpers, resolved to self-police vending and informal traders.

Read more: Vendors Adopt Self-Policing

ZDDT banner

Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) has received a lot of praise from the Bulawayo community, following their TRACE-partnered dramas, which they are facilitating as a means of disseminating information.

Read more: ZDDT Shines

Community clean ups bulawayo

In an effort to put a final nail in the coffin of the few remaining offenders who destroy their environment, including unrepentant litter bugs, Ward 24 Community leader, Cllr Gideon Mangena has established a twelve member policing team that will be taking decisive action against every resident found dropping any form of litter in the area.

Read more: Residents Environmental Policing