Bulawayo's Community Gardens Hold Award Ceremony

  • Written by: Gary Howes

Above: Green Garden Chairman Mr Njiva accepts an award from Mike Roche of Sally Foundation.

The sun-kissed morning at Green Gardens was filled with an air of excitement as members of ZDDT's group of community market gardens in Bulawayo gathered for their annual awards ceremony.

The anticipation was palpable as everyone waited for the arrival of their special guest – Mike Roche from the Sally Foundation, who had travelled all the way from Australia via Singapore and London, to represent his organisation.

In his speech during the awards ceremony, Mike Roche expressed his deep admiration for what he saw before him. “It is truly humbling to witness first-hand how much you have all accomplished here at the gardens,” he said. “Your commitment to improving yourselves and your community is inspiring; to see that the goal we envisioned so long ago, when we created our first small garden, now coming to pass.”

He went on to speak about co-investment – an approach where both parties contribute resources towards achieving common goals.

“The Sally Foundation’s initial investment has provided a solid foundation upon which you have built something truly remarkable,” he added. “This partnership between our organisations has allowed us to achieve far more than either could have done alone.”

Mike’s words resonated deeply with everyone present as they reflected on their journey thus far – starting as small plots tended by individuals driven by a passion for gardening and growing into thriving community spaces that offered more than just fresh produce but also hope and unity among its members.

With renewed determination fuelled by this recognition and encouragement from their esteemed guest, ZDDTs group of community market gardens look forward to continuing its mission towards sustainable living and community development.