Exclusive! ZDDT interview with Bulawayo's Mayor

One of ZDDT’s key strategies pertaining to its interventions, through a partnership deal with the City of Bulawayo in developmental issues geared towards benefiting local communities, is manifest in a media initiative that the Trust runs.
This initiative entails regular quarter-yearly interviews between the City’s Mayor, Patrick Thabo Moyo (Above), and ZDDT’s Field Correspondent, Lewis Jones (LJ), who recently paid a visit to the Mayor’s office in order to fulfill one such appointment.
Below are excerpts of that interview.
(LJ): There are currently two major projects being undertaken by the Municipality, with the cooperation of Central Government, in a move designed to alleviate water shortages that have long plagued the City. How are developments in these schemes progressing?
Patrick Thabo Moyo (PTM): I take it that you are referring to the Mtshabezi Water Project and the Nyamandlovu Water Scheme Revival. Work on the over one hundred kilometre pipeline and ancillary equipment meant to bring water to the City, from Mtshabezi Dam in Matebeleland South, is progressing well. Indications from the Ministry concerned are that the exercise will be completed in October this year. In the case of the Nyamandlovu Water Scheme Revival Project, 66 out of 77 boreholes have been rehabilitated and equipment repaired. Both the former and latter sources of portable water are mid-term measures. In effect they, together with traditional sources, are expected to largely alleviate Bulawayo’s water woes, although as Council, we still maintain that a permanent source, such as the proposed Matebeleland Zambezi Water Project would be the best solution. As you are probably aware, it is mainly water shortages that have been cited by businesses as the reason for their relocating to other regions. We believe that the coming on-stream of the two projects will see an effective halting of investment flight and the ushering in of a new era of increased investment.
(LJ) Speaking about investment; how much of this is the City experiencing at the moment?
(PTM) There has been reasonably positive response to our investment drive, through various committees set up to over-see the scheme. As a result Bulawayo is poised to witness substantive development in the near to mid-term, due to fruitful partnerships forged between the City and players in the private sector. Already there are several large to middle scale development projects on the cards. The spin-off on this is expected to result in provision of increased employment opportunities for residents, with a consequent general improvement in the quality of life among local population.
(LJ) What are the levels of infrastructural development currently being conducted by the City Council?
(PTM) There is substantial development occurring in housing by players from the private sector which should bring about reasonable reductions in the residential accommodation backlog.
The road repair programme which involves the filling of pot-holes and resurfacing is progressing well. Several sections of badly damaged roads have, to date, been resealed as have the worst affected intersections in the Central Business District.
The City of eThekweni (Durban) is working with us in the rehabilitation of Bulawayo’s dilapidated sewer system and the repair of water leakages, through provision of resources and seconding of expertise. Benefits of this should become evident in the year’s second quarter. Work in this particular area should be complete by the end of 2011, with downstream development expected to boost local companies. In terms of benefits to residents, this programme will add value to the City’s service delivery capacity, while ensuring a safer environment.
The traffic lights rehabilitation programme is ninety eight percent complete and work has commenced on repairs to old public lighting systems and installation of new ones.
(LJ) ZDDT has been instrumental in developing a partnership between the Bulawayo City Council and Harare lighting company, AEC (Pvt) Ltd, in a pilot project which will see the installation of cutting edge lighting technology along two of the City’s main thoroughfares. How do you view this development?
(PTM) Council is most appreciative of this move which augments well with our efforts in the provision of an efficient and cost effective public lighting system. Hopefully, this programme will eventually be extended throughout the City.
(LJ) The Trust has also been instrumental in sourcing funding for grass-cutting equipment and the safety wear to be worn by workers involved in a greening campaign being implemented by ZDDT cooperating with the Bulawayo City Council. What is your take on this?
(PTM) Again we are most grateful; not only for this, but also for other benefits we have gained from our good relations with your organisation. The City’s capacity in terms of maintaining a neat environment has suffered greatly in the last decade due to negative economic factors. This gesture on the part of ZDDT will certainly assist us immensely.
(LJ) Perhaps this is a most opportune time to enquire about the Trust’s various community friendly interventions among local residents and City officials. How have initiatives such as the SEBENZELA/work for, Institutional Capacity building, Urban Greening and Agriculture programmes affected local society?
(PTM) It is my opinion that these have to a great extent contributed to changing the way people in the City behave, due to the leadership skills, team and capacity building and self reliance components contained in training offered to our officials and residents in the Wards.
(LJ) You dreamed up the Year of Action Initiative. How can this motivational concept be linked to Bulawayo’s quest for the provision of efficient service delivery systems?
(PTM) The idea was indeed, meant as a means to provide incentives to City Councillors and officials in order for them to realize their best potential in terms of performance. It is based upon careful thought I engaged in, on how best to utilise scarce resources, through establishing strategic partnerships outside Council’s traditional sources of revenue. The commissioning of the upcoming, Bulawayo Revival Campaign, will be the culmination of these efforts. Already, there are indications that such partnerships are bearing fruit. Some excellent examples may be seen in our links with Delta Corporation who donates street cleaning equipment and of course with ZDDT, whose various initiatives have proved beneficial to Council and local residents.
(LJ) Finally; do you thinks that the ZDDT website provides effective promotion for the City of Bulawayo?
(PTM) It most certainly does that. It promotes the City and its work, while also giving coverage to the great work being conducted by your organisation in the improvement of living conditions among local communities.