Sarah Maseko, an 84-year-old unemployed senior citizen from Old Magwegwe constituency in Ward 18, will be able to put food on the table thanks to a $50 grant from the Business Social Credit Scheme (BSCS) of the Zimbabwe Development and Democracy Trust (ZDDT).

Read more: Senior Citizen Will Use BSCS Donation to Buy Food

Gogo Emely Dube, 84, was drinking 'mahewu' from a yellow tin container when the Zimbabwe Development and Democracy Trust (ZDDT) paid her a visit at her home in Old Lobengula suburb.

Read more: BSCS Gives 84-year-old Elderly Person Hope

Kirimuva market garden, located in Pumula Old’s Ward 19, is continuing its development programmme with the construction of a security guards’ shade house.

Read more: Kirimuva Market Garden Security Guards' Shade House Construction

Miss Rosemary Sibanda, a 63-year-old HIV-positive single mother, who survives by begging for food, says she is unable to deal with the problems she is currently experiencing.

Read more: With the BSCS funds, I intend to Open a Vegetables Stall and buy Food

In the coming months, the Ekuphumuleni Geriatric Nursing Home (EGNH) in Bulawayo will harvest fish from its pond.

Read more: Ekuphumuleni Anticipates Harvesting Fish Soon