As the Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) Winter Festival 2023 draws to a close, audiences have been captivated by the performances of Langelitsha and Vanity art groups.
Mandlake Community Garden, one of the flourishing Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) projects, has recently received a generous donation from Emganwini community member, Mr. Maduna.
The Geraldine Roche Drama Programme has done it again! Seven of their young drama students have been selected to perform at the 13th annual South African Talent Showcase in Johannesburg this coming October.
Read more: Geraldine Roche Drama Stars Set to Shine in Johanessburg
The upcoming Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) winter festival is the talk of the town, and everyone is eagerly looking forward to it.
Read more: High Anticipation for Upcoming GRD Winter Festival
During one of ZDDT's cooking classes at Ekuphumuleni Geriatric Nursing Home, the organisation noticed that another donor had refurbished the kitchen but also became aware that the utensils being used were old and had run their lifetime.
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