BULAWAYO-based Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) group travelled to Harare on Tuesday, to dazzle the audience with their theatrical skills, for the event scheduled for Wednesday.
ZDDT has been hailed for its market gardens which help the elderly and vulnerable members of the community pay their day-to-day expenses.
Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) has managed to purchase a wireless speaker as part of its mission for self-sustainability, which will liven up the drama crew's rehearsals and performances.
A highly distinguished delegation from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) last week toured the Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) market gardens in the city of Bulawayo.
THE Zimbabwe Democracy Development Trust (ZDDT) annually conducts Project Management Committee (PMC) elections for all the gardens constituencies under the purview of the Trust.
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