Restoring Bulawayo's Centenary Park; ZDDT and City Council cooperation continues to pay off


BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe - Impressed by the incredibly visible efforts being implemented by the City of Bulawayo’s Park Services, in restoring its Centenary Park, ZDDT’s Lewis Jones (LJ) paid a courtesy call in order to find out more.

On hand, to assist, was Acting Parks Officer, Thulani Magagula (TM), who provided an interesting insight relating to restorative work being done. Below may be found excerpts of an interview that ensued.

Related: Restoring the Bulawayo municipal plant nursery.

LJ The City of Bulawayo and ZDDT have, over the past two years, established a good working relationship, which has led, besides other developments, to the entities cooperating in restoration of the Municipality’s various parks. What is your take on these aspects?

TM The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, between our respective organisations, has strengthened the ties and conviction that now exists amid the two. I see the joint efforts being carried out by them as a most commendable move, since its benefits are of a complementary nature. However, it is the overall objective of ensuring resident’s well-being that really counts in the end and I am confident this is being achieved through our cooperation.

LJ During the recently completed phase in ZDDT’s Local Authority Capacity Building Programme, a number of Parks workers were trained in tree planting, care of these and the operation of grass and bush-cutting equipment. Do you think that skills obtained will effectively contribute towards your department’s ability in maintaining the momentum set by this exercise?

TM I don’t see why this should not be the case. You have probably seen the newly restored gardens surrounding the Municipal Revenue Hall and Tower Block office complex, as well as the maintenance of new lawns at the Fountain in Centenary Park. This undoubtedly proves Council’s commitment in sustaining gains already made.

LJ The collapse of Bulawayo’s once reputed reclaimed water system which was utilised to irrigate parks and other public gardens, is obviously presenting peculiar challenges. Are there plans to resuscitate this system in the near future, if at all?

TM Restoration of the City’s reclaimed water operations is a component of re-establishing the water and sewage reticulation structures is currently in progress. In the interim, two boreholes have been drilled in Central Park. One was equipped with a pump and is operational, while the other is awaiting installation. Water from the operational bore-hole is now used to water the area surrounding the 75th Anniversary Fountain in the Park. We currently face the problem of two leaking water tanks, the repair of which is rather prolonged. At Revenue Hall and The Tower Block, the gardens were restored through funding from ZDDT. Resuscitation entailed the drilling of boreholes, pump fitting and the laying of pipes with sprinklers.

LJ Do workforce levels, availability and condition of equipment, contribute to challenges faced in proper maintenance of parks?

TM Under the circumstances, I would say that workforce numbers are reasonably adequate. But yes, equipment such as tractors and grass-cutting equipment have been seriously depleted, due to economic factors in recent years and this has contributed to constraints being experienced in maintaining parks at acceptable levels.

LJ Would you say that the visible effect of your efforts in these parks will be noticed by rate-payers and perhaps act as a catalyst in persuading them to pay their dues in good time?

TM Undoubtedly. It is my opinion that once residents become aware of the serious attempts by the Municipality to improve their environment, it would encourage people to honour their obligations, thereby contributing to better revenue collection.

LJ What is your personal vision for these parks?

TM Quite simply, I would like to see them restored to their former condition and then ensure that they remain that way.

Indeed, judging by the enthusiastic resourcefulness of this youthful speaker and the wonders his team have achieved in restoring the City’s two major parks, one has no doubts about his seriousness towards ensuring this vision’s success! In the three months he has been in charge of the parks in Eastern Bulawayo, Mr. Magagula has presided over a significant and impressive programme of restoration.