A single parent home is faced with unimaginable struggles, whether it is financial, finding competent child care, dealing with the child’s behavior or accepting the fact they are alone.

Read more: Struggles of a Single Mother

Business support

Most elderly people in our Bulawayo communities depend on money or groceries that they receive from their relatives from outside the country but with the emergence of Covid 19, it has been a challenge for them to send money back home, as most were not working during this period.

Read more: Covid 19 Crisis sees Remittance Support for Vulnerable Dry Up

Last week, Geraldine Roche Drama (GRD) Programme Coordinator, Khaliphile Sibanda, hosted a training session for the 2021 GRD competitions judges.

Read more: Geraldine Roche Drama Prepares Judges for Drama Competitions

Sooty Mould grows in the honeydew or secretion of many common plant pests, such as aphids or scale. The pests cover the leaves of the plant in the honeydew and the Sooty Mould spore lands on the honeydew and begins to reproduce.

Read more: ZDDT Agri-extension Helps Market Gardeners

Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT) supported gardens have shown great cooperation between themselves as evidenced by their inter-trading activities.

Read more: Gardens Practise Inter-Trade